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Huawei looks to self-driving cars, inspired by Tesla

2020-02-14 Editor:Super administratorSource:Original


Filed on January 16, 2020 | Last updated on January 16, 2020 at 10.16 pm


Huawei does not want to make its own cars, but will help car companies build good ones through collaboration.

(Reuters file)

'Ultimate goal is to achieve complete driverlessness': Rotating chairman Xu Zhijun

Chinese smartphone manufacturer Huawei is currently making a big push towards the 5G industry, but it is also reportedly planning to assist in building self-driving cars, news portal GizmoChaina reported on Thursday.

"Our ultimate goal is to achieve complete driverlessness, but in the process of moving towards the ultimate goal, it can create value. At present, Tesla is already creating value for everyone, if Tesla can do it now, we can all do it," the report quoted rotating Huawei chairman Xu Zhijun.

However, the company does not want to make its own cars, but will help car companies build good ones through collaboration. Currently, Huawei is using their expertise in 5G together with Saic and China Mobile to build 5G connected cars.

Per the report, these cars have 5G/LTE-V capabilities, support C-ITS assisted driving functions, feature intelligent voice interactions and even have live video calling functions built in.

 Source: This news has been taken from

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