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Verkor, in process of making Europe's first Gigafactory of battery cells

2020-10-16 Editor:Super administratorSource:Original

French company Verkor on course to establish Europe’s first Gigafactory for battery cells.jpg

The French industrial company, Verkor, has received support from EIT InnoEnergy, Schneider Electric and GROUPE IDEC which puts it in its process of making Europe's first Gigafactory of battery cells, focusing primarily on electric stationary storage.


Verkor's first Gigafactory production is scheduled to start in 2023, with a 16GWh capacity of battery cells that will increase to 50GWh depending on market strength. The facility will require an initial investment of € 1.6bn and will create more than 2,000 jobs. The search for 200+ hectares of land is already underway.


“Combined with the expertise of our strategic partners, I am confident that we are aligning the winning conditions to begin building the most efficient Gigafactory production by 2022, delivering our first cells by 2023, and intensifying industrial operations, the key to accelerating low carbon mobility in  in Europe,” said Benoit Lemaignan, CEO of Verkor.


Verkor was established in response to a growing gap between the expected demand for batteries and the provision of dedicated and organized European supply. Indeed, the expected growth in demand in this decade will require only three to four Gigafactories in France. The European industrial ecosystem is therefore compelled to establish a sustainable and native European battery upply chain, which will reduce reliance on imports.


France's affordable and low-cost electricity, leading car manufacturers, leading power suppliers, and its proven industrial knowledge make it an ideal location for Gigafactories in southern Europe, a region that lacks such services compared to northern and central Europe. 

“The first Verkor Gigafactory will help close the gap between Europe's planned needs and it is now expected to have a European supply in this decade. Verkor's unique value proposition on performance and efficiency is welcome,” said Diego Pavia, CEO of EIT InnoEnergy.

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