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Mouser stocking the Arduino Portenta H7 for IIoT

2020-07-29 Editor:Super administratorSource:Original


It was launched at CES 2020 at the start of the year.The board is powered by an STM32H747XI dual Cortex-M7+M4 32bit low power MCU (you can read the datasheet), with the radio being a Murata 1DX dual WiFi 802.11b/g/n 65 Mbps and Bluetooth 5.1 BR/EDR/LE combo module.Security for the IoT is provided via an NXP SE0502, which provides a root of trust at the IC level. It also allows for securely storing and provisioning credentials and performing cryptographic operations.

Mouser, which is shipping it globally, writes:The Portenta can run like any other embedded microcontroller board, or as a main processor of an embedded computer, with the STM32H747 processor’s GPU enabling engineers to connect the board to an external monitor. An onboard Murata Type 1DX wireless module facilitates simultaneous Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Classic and Bluetooth Low Energy connectivity. The Wi-Fi interface can be operated as an access point (AP), station (STA), or dual-mode simultaneous AP/STA, with a transfer rate up to 65 Mbps. The board supports wired interfaces such as UART, SPI, Ethernet, and I²C, through the MKR-compatible connectors or through two 80-pin high-density connectors, which ensure scalability for a wide range of applications.

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