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Climate Ministry Should Oversee Electric Vehicle Development: Parliament

2020-07-27 Editor:Super administratorSource:Original

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In a recent development, a parliamentary body suggested that the electric vehicles (EV) development project should proceed under the directives of the Ministry of Climate Change. The idea is that the ministry would be able to ensure the eco-friendliness of the vehicles through their expertise in the field of environmental sciences.

The said suggestion came up following concerns expressed by members of the assembly regarding the expiration of EV batteries. In the said session, the stakeholders were praised for their efforts in developing EVs, with the standing committee on climate change suggesting that representatives from the Ministry of Climate Change and Ministry of Industries and Production should provide a thorough briefing on electric vehicles.

In the session, the members were told that the Engineering Development Board and the Ministry of Industries and Production are working in tandem to develop EVs with assistance from LUMS (Lahore University of Management Sciences).

In further development within the session, Committee members instructed the Ministry of Industries and Production to create check and balance measures for old vehicles, conduct foolproof emissions tests for these vehicles during token tax payment, and ensure that the automakers in Pakistan act promptly for compliance with international emission standards.

The government seeks to fast-track the developments pertaining to EV normalization in Pakistan by offering incentives and introducing various policies for EV buyers. However, with there only being a handful of EV charging stations all over the country, the question remains whether or not the government would be able to develop an infrastructure that caters to them in times to come.

Source: This news has been taken from

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