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Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan met with UEP President

2020-07-24 Editor:Super administratorSource:Original


At the beginning of 2020, the sudden new crown pneumonia epidemic swept the world and had a significant impact on the economies of countries around the world. Pakistan also entered a state of emergency and immediately adopted a series of prevention and control measures such as traffic control and avoiding gathering activities. Under the severe situation, United Energy shouldered its corporate social responsibility and donated medical supplies worth about 5.5 million yuan to the Pakistani government.

In early July, Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan met with Mausuf Ahmad, President of United Energy Pakistan (UEP) and his party to complete donations of medical supplies and conduct talks.

Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan (middle) met with UEP President Masouf Amad (third from right) and his party

The donated materials mainly include personal protective equipment such as medical masks, hand sanitizer, medical protective clothing, disposable gloves, shoe covers, goggles, etc., and will all be sent to Pakistan’s local public hospitals and COVID-19 isolation centers to protect the frontline medical staff Personal safety of personnel.

Prime Minister Imran Khan expressed his appreciation for United Energy's rapid development and outstanding contributions in Pakistan over the past ten years, and thanked the company for its strong support to the government during the crisis. Prime Minister Imran Khan said: “In the future, the Pakistani government will actively support United Energy’s business expansion in Pakistan.” This meeting not only further deepened the friendship between United Energy and the Pakistani government, but also demonstrated the company’s outstanding contribution to the local energy industry. Contributions demonstrate the company's high sense of social responsibility of "showing feelings in times of crisis and taking a heavy responsibility in the face of catastrophes".

Since the acquisition of BP Pakistan’s assets in 2011, United Energy has increased its investment and introduced China’s petroleum management technology and equipment services, which reversed the continuous decline in output of Pakistan’s projects from 2009 to 2011, and achieved continuous The five-year compound output has increased by more than 25%. At present, United Energy Pakistan is the largest foreign company in Pakistan's oil and gas industry.

At the same time, United Energy adheres to the business philosophy of "harmonious symbiosis, cooperation and win-win", attaches great importance to health, safety and environmental protection issues, actively fulfills its social responsibilities, and promotes the harmony between man and nature while contributing better energy to the world. Build the harmony between enterprise and society, create harmony between energy and environment. United Energy has benefited more than 4 million local people through public donations, education development, medical security, professional training and other public welfare projects in Pakistan, and has been commended by the Pakistani government many times. Today, United Energy has become the successful epitome of the development strategy of Chinese companies' "going global" and a model of Chinese investment companies in Pakistan, and has been hailed by the mainstream media as the "bright pearl on the Belt and Road".

During the epidemic, UEP front-line employees actively took protective measures and stood by their posts with full enthusiasmAs early as the beginning of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, United Energy quickly established a new crown pneumonia epidemic response steering group as soon as possible, actively responding to the call of the Pakistani government, deploying epidemic prevention activities at asset locations and related offices, and formulating strict actions Guide to ensure the health and safety of frontline employees. With the joint efforts and efficient cooperation of the teams in China and Pakistan, the first-line production of the United Energy Pakistan project has never been interrupted and has always maintained stable operation.

"There will be times when the wind and waves break, and the sails will be hung straight up to benefit the sea." As an in-depth practitioner of the great national initiative of the “One Belt, One Road”, United Energy will always stand with Pakistan and continue to write a new chapter of China-Pakistan friendship and cohesion to overcome difficulties. I believe that with the joint efforts of all employees in China and Pakistan, through scientific deployment and strict prevention and control, United Energy will surely win the overall victory in the battle against the epidemic and stabilize production and move forward to the grand blueprint for the future!

Text / United Energy

Source: This news is taken from



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