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Imports increased by 8.73% Agriculture Machinery, FY 2018-19

2020-04-16 Editor:Super administratorSource:

Islamabad: Imports of Agriculture Machinery in the financial year that ended on June 30, 2019 grew 8-73% in contrast to the year before. As per Pakistan Bureau of Statistics data, US$135.312 million value of agriculture machinery was imported between the period from July-June, 2018-19 in contrast to the import of US$124.449 million of same period the year before.

The imports of the fertilizers have been seen a downfall of 4.09% which is 1,93,4,977 metric tons of the fertilizers valued US$788.676 million. It has imported in contrary to the imports of 1,145,613 metric tons costing US$832.757 million. There are five countries in the world supplying over 70 percent imported agricultural machinery and equipment. The United States, China, Japan, Italy and Germany are included in these countries – with U.S. market share around 30 percent.

“The domestic production of tractor units in Pakistan has been increased 14.6 percent during FY 2017-18. Production grew 19.6 percent to 63,054 tractor units as compared to 54,992 units last year.”

Local tractors are under license agreements with foreign companies from the United States, Belarus, Turkey, and China. In addition, the United States and EU are exporting used agricultural machinery to Pakistan, including harvesters. With 79.6 million sections of land of arable land, there is an incredible potential for improving efficiencies and profitability of the horticulture part with better gear and hardware.

The Government of Pakistan is resolved to help this part, with the expectation that Pakistan can build yields and fares of essential harvests – leafy foods, poultry and dairy items – and in doing as such become a significant provider for the district. To accomplish this target, the administration is empowering venture by offering low-enthusiasm financing. Both the general population and private divisions have or are exploiting these motivators by setting up little to huge scale ventures. As per industry specialists, the neighborhood market will keep on offering sizable business open doors for nearby and remote organizations for the following quite a while.

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